Graduation Information

News and information for our graduating students will be posted here throughout the year. Check back frequently for updates!

Grad News

Check here frequently for current updates pertaining to graduation. 

Principal's letter to our Graduates

May 6, 2020

Dear St. Patrick’s High School Graduates and families,

When we started this school year, we met together in the cafeteria for our opening assemblies. We were all looking forward to the excitement and possibilities that the school year held for all of you. We talked about making it to graduation day, crossing the stage and celebrating the accomplishments of your years of school.

I am heartbroken that we are not going to be able to do that at the end of June as we had planned and I am so sorry that this has happened. I know that the end of the school year is nothing like any of you expected and that it is extremely difficult not to be able to mark the occasion as we had hoped.

Many of you will have questions and there are things to sort out before the end of June, so we will be in touch with you again. One of the first things we will be doing is refunding grad fees to all of you who already paid them. This will take a bit of time, but we are going to start working on it right away.

I know that all of you hold the strength and determination to persevere and to move forward with plans, with hopes and dreams and with St. Pat’s character. You will be graduates of St. Patrick’s High School - nothing can take that away from you. We have gone through many challenges and many joys together as an Irish family, and you will always carry that spirit inside of you.

I am so hopeful that we will be able to see each other before the end of the school year, and I look forward to celebrating you in the fall when we hold your graduation ceremony, and hearing about the new adventures you are up to.

Be strong - be amazing - be great - YOU ARE THE IRISH!!!! Along with the entire staff and the whole school community, I am (and we all are) so very, very proud of you.

Carrie-Lynn Bowie 

Principal, St. Patrick’s High School

Scholarships and Bursaries

Check out - a database created for post secondary students to search hundreds of scholarships available across Canada for students with a variety of disabilities. 

New dates for Board Awards

There have been adjustments made to deadlines for grad board awards.  Go to the financial assistance page for more information and updates. 

University/College Open Houses

Important - Please note that the open houses scheduled at OttawaU, Carelton U and Algonquin College over the March Break have been cancelled.

St. Patrick's High School Alumni Association

Our school has a strong group of alumni. Consider keeping in touch through the St. Patrick's High School Alumni Association facebook page.