Principal's Newsletter March 2025
Principal’s Message
We are already into March and anxiously awaiting the arrival of Spring - if only Mother Nature would reconsider the snow dumps it continues to “shower” us with. That being said, a reminder to all drivers dropping off and/or picking up student(s) to avoid using the bus loop during peak times (when OC buses or special transportation vans are arriving/departing). Laneways are narrower due to snow accumulation and we want to ensure safe passage for drivers as well as pedestrians. Please be patient with one another!
Over the weekend, our Muslim families began observing the month of Ramadan; may this month of Ramadan light up your lives with faith, peace, harmony and prosperity!
February was a month full of excitement and learning. This year’s Black History Month daily announcements and cultural tunes, as well as the dynamic Show that we were treated to on Friday served as reminders to celebrate Black Excellence and Joy!!!!! This year’s theme was: Shaping Black Futures: Uplifting Voices, Inspiring Innovation. From the various dance troops putting on top notch numbers, to our bands/choirs entertaining us with sweet harmonies and tunes, as well as a spoken word that left the audience speechless, we were most definitely uplifted and inspired by our talented students.
This week will be Mr. Curry’s last week with us in the main office as Mr. Tamburrini returns from parental leave after the March Break. It is with much gratitude that we bid Mr. Curry adieu - it has been a pleasure to welcome you home to the Irish Family.
Stay Safe and Be Well!
Mme Al Koura
Catholic School Council
Our next meeting is on Monday, April 28th, at 7:00 pm. This meeting will be a hybrid (in-person and virtual) meeting. Please email the school if you would like to join. All parents/guardians are welcome to attend.
St Patrick’s Day - Our Feast Day
When we return from March Break, we will get to celebrate St Patrick’s Day together - an opportunity that does not happen very often as St Paddy’s Day is often celebrated over the March Break. On the Monday after the return from March Break, our Chaplain, Isabelle Crummer, will be sharing a special blessing with our community to honour St Patrick! As well, our HS Student Council has planned a week of fun festivities to not only celebrate our Feast Day, but to build up school spirit by organizing a fun Spirit Week!
Themes for the Day
Green Dress Down Day (Wear as much Green as you can) (Grades 7-12)
Scavenger Hunt and Photobooth at lunch (9-12)
Passport Lunch Activity to learn about different Countries at lunch (9-12)
Hawaiian Shirt Day (with Uniform Bottoms) (7-12)
Anything But A Backpack Day (7-12)
Cowboy Accessories Day (e.g. boots, hats) (7-12)
Homework Help
Please take note of the following tutoring opportunity for High School students looking for a little extra help: Math, Science and Conversational French.
What is Consent? A Pre-March Break Campaign
This week, we will be using our morning announcements to open discussions about consent, focusing on both physical and digital consent. We will cover the importance of respecting boundaries, what it means to give and ask for permission, and why it’s illegal for minors to create or share explicit images. With 1 in 3 youth (ages 15-17) experiencing unwanted sexual behavior (Stats Canada, 2019) and 1 in 5 teens engaging in sexting (Canadian Centre for Child Protection, 2018), it's crucial that youth understand these boundaries and the legal consequences. Studies show that around 40% of youth are confused about what constitutes consent and often believe that saying "yes" once means consent for future encounters (Ontario Coalition for Better Child Protection, 2020). We encourage you to have open conversations with your child about respecting others, online safety, and the importance of clear, ongoing consent.
What We Will Cover:
Physical Consent: What it means to ask for and give permission for physical touch.
Digital Consent: The rules around sharing photos and videos online, especially explicit content, and why it’s illegal for minors to create or share explicit images.
Why It’s Important:
1 in 3 youth (ages 15-17) report experiencing unwanted sexual behavior (Stats Canada, 2019).
Sexting among teens is rising, with 1 in 5 teens reporting sharing sexual images (Canadian Centre for Child Protection, 2018). It’s illegal for minors to share or create explicit content.
How You Can Help:
Encourage open discussions about boundaries, both physical and digital.
Reinforce that consent must always be clear, continuous, and can be withdrawn at any time.
Teach your child the importance of online safety and the legal consequences of sharing explicit material.
Thank you for your support in this important discussion.
Rescheduled: Transition Planning Resource Fair 2025
Please see the attached poster regarding the RESCHEDULED Transition Planning Resource Fair with families of youth with intellectual disabilities interested in exploring resources/programs.
This event will assist families in navigating life after high school and planning for the post-21 transition.
Transition Planning Resource Fair
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Confederation Education Centre (1645 Woodroffe Ave, Nepean, ON).
Plan to join us... we look forward to seeing you there!
Highlights from Mrs Agostini
Grade 7 students are engaging in an immersive learning experience, exploring First Nations communities as they existed 5,000 years prior to European contact. Utilizing Minecraft Education, students are navigating a custom-designed world developed in collaboration with Indigenous Knowledge Keepers. This environment provides authentic insights into cultural practices, traditional medicines, and daily life, ensuring respectful and accurate representation. This project, supported by the school board's Learning Technologies (LT) department, is a multi-phase initiative. The subsequent phases will involve student construction of historically significant structures within the Minecraft world, reflecting events from the early 1700s on Turtle Island (present-day Canada). Alongside this immersive experience, students are using their Nature Journals to keep track of observations and new vocabulary as they are engaging with the Anishinaabemowin language by the Anishinaabeg (Ojibwe, Odawa and Pottawatomi).
In the previous term, Grade 7 Geography students employed a Phenology Wheel to observe and record local environmental data, including lunar phases, temperature fluctuations, sunrise/sunset times, and weather patterns.
Currently, students in Grades 7 and 8 are actively preparing for their production of "The Trials of Robin Hood." Rehearsals are underway, and students are contributing to the production by creating props, such as cardboard bows and arrows, and constructing set pieces. This theatrical endeavor is generating considerable enthusiasm within the 7/8 panel.
Extracurricular activities further enrich student learning. Mrs. Agostini's Art Club, held weekly on Tuesdays, consistently enjoys full participation, demonstrating strong student interest in creative expression. The Student Council meets on Wednesdays and is currently developing plans for a Spring Equinox dance. In February, the council successfully organized a Candy Gram fundraiser, enabling students to express appreciation to peers and staff within the 7/8 panel for Valentine's Day.
Athletics Updates
Senior Girls Volleyball
The Senior Girls Volleyball team coached by Sheri Valiquette, Steve Walman and Stephanie Leblond sended their season with a boom beating St. Paul's H.S. to take the Bronze division Championship. The girls ended the regular season with a mere 2-4 record. They needed to pick up the intensity for the overlap games and they did just that.
Peaking at just the right time, our athletes showed perseverance and grit to make it to the finals and take gold. The team would like to thank the incredibly energetic IRISH fans for their support and spirit especially during the championship game.
Senior Boys Basketball
We finished the year 21-10 overall, winning three tournaments, our own, the Notre Dame tournament and the Falcon Classic in Pembroke.
We lost in the finals by 1, 63-62.
Junior Boys Volleyball
Our junior boys volleyball team has begun their season! In the early stages of the season, they have finished in third and second place respectively at the two tournaments they’ve attended! They also have a 2-0 record in our regular season.
High School Exams and RSTs
We just finished our Semester 1 final assessments, and wanted to give you a heads up about the dates for the Semester 2 final assessment. Once again, Grades 10-12 students will be completing RSTs and/or Exams as a part of the final assessment of their courses. Grade 9 students will only complete RSTs, they will NOT have exams as part of their final assessments, however their attendance during that period is MANDATORY as final/extension assessments will take place during that period. RSTs will be completed in the final 2-3 weeks before exams. We ask that families please take note of the following dates and to avoid any non-essential travel or absences during those periods. It is critical that students complete the designated final assessments to be able to earn their credit.
Semester 2 RST Period June 2 - 18, 2025
Second Semester Final Assessments (Grade 9) June 19 - 25, 2025
Second Semester Examinations (Grades 10-12) June 19 - 25, 2025
Important Dates
Please mark your calendars for key dates for the 2024-2025 school year!
Shrove Tuesday
March 4, 2025
Ash Wednesday
March 5, 2025
March Break
March 10-14, 2025
St Patrick’s Day
March 17, 2025
H.S. Letters of Intervention go home
March 18, 2025
7-12 Early Dismissal at 1:30 pm
March 27, 2025
9-12 Parent-Teacher Interviews
March 27, 2025
Grade 6 to 7 Program Night (Rescheduled)
March 27, 2025
OSSLT for Grade 10 Students
April 1-9, 2025
7/8 Immunization Clinics
April 1-3, 2025
P.D. Day
April 4, 2025
Holy Thursday
April 17, 2025
Good Friday (No School)
April 18, 2025
Easter Monday (No School)
April 21, 2025
Wishing you a great March Break and an early Happy St Paddy’s Day
Principal's Newsletter February 2025
Principal’s Message
We are officially at the halfway point of the school year! Way to go Irish Family - let’s recommit to our academic excellence as we kick off this half of the year. We look forward to welcoming new students who will be joining the Irish Family next week, and welcome back all students as they start Semester 2/Term 2.
Next week, we kick off Black History Month. This year’s OCSB theme is: Shaping Black Futures: Uplifting Voices, Inspiring Innovation. We are looking forward to learning, listening and celebrating together as the SPH BSA works with our students and staff to lead a special month together.
Please note that our school will serve as a polling station site in the upcoming Provincial Election. The 7/8 gym will serve as the voting site while the Alta Vista parking lot will be used by voters.
I would like to welcome back Mr. Michael Curry who will be with us until March Break as Mr. Paul Tamburrini goes on parental leave.
Stay Safe and Be Well!
Mme Al Koura
Catholic School Council
Our next meeting is on Monday, February 10th, at 7:00 pm. This meeting will be a virtual meeting. Please email the school if you would like to join. All parents/guardians are welcome to attend.
OC Transpo Update
As we kick off the second half of the year, a reminder to all OC Transpo users to ensure they have their Presto pass on them when they board the buses on the way to school AND home. OC Transpo has been issuing fines to individuals caught riding the bus without paying or presenting a valid Presto pass. The fine can be significant, so please be diligent! It would be a good idea to carry the Student ID Card as well, just in case.
This is also a good time for a couple of other reminders:
Double-check that your Presto pass is registered in case it gets lost.
Be a courteous rider by minding your behaviour, volume and movement on the bus.
Do not push one another getting on or off the bus - this poses a serious safety hazard.
Be a GOOD representative of the IRISH FAMILY when riding the bus.
Transition Planning Resource Fair 2025
The OCSB and the OCDSB invite youth with intellectual disabilities and their parents/caregivers to explore ways to navigate life after high school on Thursday, February 13, 2025; 5pm-8:30pm; Confederation Education Centre. Please share this with families that you think would be interested in attending. Please see the attached poster.
International Trip
The St. Patrick's High School European Trip is BACK! After an incredible trip to London & Paris with EF Education Tours, we are once again launching this opportunity for our students! In the spring of 2026, our students can visit Italy, France, and Spain over 9 days.
Is your student currently, in the 2024-2025 school year, in grades 9-11? Are they interested in traveling to Europe with their friends and classmates? Please use the following link for more information and instructions on how to sign up.
This is an excellent time to register as our early enrollment discount is valid Tuesday, February 4th. Please feel free to email with any questions or concerns.
À bientôt!
High School - Semester 2 Student Schedules
All Grade 9 -12 students are asked to verify their schedules on Sunday, February 2nd in mySPH (Student Portal) and to follow this updated schedule for semester 2. Schedule changes have been made since September including classroom numbers. Students can report directly to their Period 1 class on Monday morning.
New students will not have access to their schedules in mySPH and are asked to come to Student Services on the first day. Guidance counsellors will be available outside Student Services to issue these schedules and to answer any general questions. Teachers and students will be available to help new students transition to the school.
Please note that students enrolled in an elearning course will have an additional elearn placeholder attached to the elearning credit in their schedule. This elearning placeholder is not an extra credit. Students who have an elearn period are asked to report to the Learning Commons in the first week of their course for an orientation session.
High School - Semester 2 Course Change Requests
Course change request form available: February 3rd to February 7th.
Students will have the opportunity to make a request for a course change on February 3rd. Final date for requests will be February 7th (8:00 pm).
The online course change request form will be made available in the Student Services section of the school website (Class Schedule Changes) or follow this link.
All course changes will be subject to availability.
Please note that only the following changes will be made to schedules:
Grades 9 & 10 - level change requirements
Grades 11 & 12 - level changes and post-secondary pathway requirements
Students should check their emails re: their course change requests for communication from their guidance counsellor. It is very important for students to follow their current schedule and not assume that their requested change can be accommodated.
Course Selection for 2025-26 (Grade 8-11 students)
Course selection will open in Myblueprint (Student Portal) for all students in the first week of February.
Deadline for course submission is Thursday, February 22nd.
Pathway Planning and Course Selection - Timelines & Important Dates
November to January
Guidance Counsellor Classroom Visits
February 3rd to 7th
Official Course Selection Opens (myblueprint)
February 13th (5:00-7:00 pm)
Program Information Evening
February 20th
Course Selection Submission Deadline (myblueprint)
Parents/guardians are invited to our Program Information Evening on February 13th to learn about course selection, programming and pathway planning. Representatives from the community and post-secondary institutions will also be present to answer any questions and to assist in educational planning.
Consult the Student Services section (Course Selection/Pathway Planning) of the school website for information and support in selecting courses or follow this link.
Please discuss course options with your child prior to the following deadlines. It will be important for your child to include a parent/guardian email when finalizing course selection in myblueprint. Course selection forms will be emailed to parents/guardians for approval once courses are submitted.
Grade 12 Students - Applications to Ontario Colleges/Universities
Students are encouraged to check their academic information in OUAC and OCAS periodically throughout the year to ensure that courses and final marks have been sent accurately. The next transmission of marks will be sent mid February to include final marks for Semester 1 and to provide institutions with information on projected courses until June. Communicate with Student Services if there are any discrepancies.
Pathway Planning and Course Selection for the 2025-2026 School Year
Our Student Services team has prepared the following MEMO very important information, dates and deadlines for course selection for this upcoming fall, as well as Pathway Planning. Please read through this memo with your child/ren.
Grade 8s Tour of the H.S. Creative Arts Areas
In anticipation of course selection next month, our grade eight students had the opportunity this month to tour the Creative Arts areas of our school. The visits were to familiarize them with the different areas in the Arts before choosing their courses for grade nine. They visited the Art room, Dance studio, Music room, and Drama room. They met the Creative Arts teachers and some of their former students, who provided a glimpse of their experiences in each of these classes. We look forward to welcoming you next year!
High School Exams and RSTs
We just finished our Semester 1 final assessments, and wanted to give you a heads up about the dates for the Semester 2 final assessment. Once again, Grades 10-12 students will be completing RSTs and/or Exams as a part of the final assessment of their courses. Grade 9 students will only complete RSTs, they will NOT have exams as part of their final assessments, however their attendance during that period is MANDATORY as final/extension assessments will take place during that period. RSTs will be completed in the final 2-3 weeks before exams. We ask that families please take note of the following dates and to avoid any non-essential travel or absences during those periods. It is critical that students complete the designated final assessments to be able to earn their credit.
Semester 2 RST Period June 2 - 18, 2025
Second Semester Final Assessments (Grade 9) June 19 - 25, 2025
Second Semester Examinations (Grades 10-12) June 19 - 25, 2025
Important Dates
Please mark your calendars for key dates for the 2024-2025 school year!
First Day of Semester Two
February 3, 2025
Grade-Level Assemblies
February 10, 2025
Special Olympics Bocce Tournament
February 12, 2025
Program Night 5:00 - 7:00 pm
February 13, 2025
7/8 Term 1 Report Cards on Parent Portal
February 13, 2025
9-12 Semester 1 Report Cards on Parent Portal
February 14, 2025
H.S. Last Day to Change Courses
February 14, 2025
Family Day - NO SCHOOL
February 17, 2025
7-12 Early Dismissal at 1:30 pm
February 20, 2025
7/8 Parent-Teacher Interviews
February 20, 2025
Provincial Election Polling Station at St Pat’s
February 27, 2025
Black History Month BSA Showcase
End of February - TBC
March Break
March 10-14, 2025
St Patrick’s Day
March 17, 2025
H.S. Letters of Intervention go home
March 18, 2025
7-12 Early Dismissal at 1:30 pm
March 27, 2025
9-12 Parent-Teacher Interviews
March 27, 2025
OSSLT for Grade 10 Students
April 1-9, 2025
Wishing you a healthy and successful semester/term!
Principal's Newsletter January 2025
Principal’s Message
Happy New Year!!!! May this year bring blessings of health and happiness; as well as peace and comfort. We were very happy to welcome back all the students and staff. It has been a week since our return and already we have been very busy.
There are a few updates that are time-sensitive so please take a moment to go through this mid-month Newsletter.
Stay Safe and Be Well!
Mme Al Koura
Catholic School Council
Our next meeting is on Monday, February 10th, at 7:00 pm. This meeting will be a virtual meeting. Please email the school if you would like to join. All parents/guardians are welcome to attend.
Vice-Principal Updates
Mme Paula Joly will be off until January 22, and is returning on January 23rd. In the interim, retired Principal, Michael Curry, will be in for her.
Mr. Paul Tamburrini will be on leave February 3rd - March 7th. Mr. Curry will be returning to cover Mr. Tamburrini’s leave as well.
Pathway Planning and Course Selection for the 2025-2026 School Year
Our Student Services team has prepared the following MEMO very important information, dates and deadlines for course selection for this upcoming fall, as well as Pathway Planning. Please read through this memo with your child/ren.
High School Exams Memo
RSTs and Exam season is in full swing. Please take a moment to read through this MEMO to explain the details for final assessments for Semester 1.
Cafeteria Closure
Our cafeteria will be closed for the week of January 27-30th, therefore cafeteria service is not available. Please ensure your child/ren brings their own lunch for each of these days. A reminder that UBER deliveries to students are not permitted.
Friends of St Pat’s: Alumni Association
Below is the Business number for the charity. Funds can be directed to the charity through pay deductions by quoting the name and BN. If anyone wants to make a direct donation of cheques/cash, They can be directly mailed to: Friends of St Pat’s. Our mailing address is the same as the high school. I will issue and mail tax donation receipts to anyone donating directly to us.
Registered Name: FRIENDS OF ST. PAT'S
Business No: 892956962RR0001CRA REGISTERED
High School Exams and RSTs
Our Grades 10-12 students will once again be completing RSTs and/or Exams as a part of the final assessment of their courses. Once again, Grade 9 students will only complete RSTs, they will NOT have exams as part of their final assessments, however their attendance during that period is MANDATORY as final/extension assessments will take place during that period. Please watch for an update regarding their schedule during that period.
RSTs will be completed in the final 2-3 weeks before exams. We ask that families please take note of the following dates and to avoid any non-essential travel or absences during those periods. It is critical that students complete the designated final assessments to be able to earn their credit.
Semester 1 RST Period January 6 - 22, 2024
Semester 1 Examinations (Grades 10-12) January 23 - 29, 2025
Semester 2 RST Period June 2 - 18, 2025
Second Semester Examinations (Grades 10-12) June 19 - 25, 2025
Important Dates
Please mark your calendars for key dates for the 2024-2025 school year!
Grad Photo Retakes
January 17, 2025
Semester 1 RST Period
January 6 - 22, 2025
January Dress Up Day
January 20, 2025
Semester 1 Examinations
January 23 - 29, 2025
Special 7/8 Dress Up Day
January 27, 2025
First Day of Semester Two
February 3, 2025
Have a wonderful week!
School Uniform Policy
The school uniform at St. Patrick’s High School is both a source of pride and identification for the school. By registering at St. Patrick’s, a student is agreeing to uphold the uniform regulations from the time they arrive at school until the end of the school day, including the lunch break. Students who fail to comply with school uniform expectations may be sent home to change into the school uniform or they may be assigned a consequence.
Uniform clothing is ordered through TOP MARKS, our supplier. Orders are placed through the company, and clothing is sent directly to students’ homes by courier.
Our Supplier information is below:
Top Marks
St Patrick’s High School code PAT02
Toll free 1-800-667-7105 (customer service)
**School Uniform consists of garments produced by TOP MARKS for St. Patrick’s High School. All tops will bear a St. Patrick’s logo. All bottoms will bear the TOP MARKS tag.**
black pants
Tartan skort
black skort
black cargo shorts,
white polo shirt / white blouse or white long or short sleeve shirt with St Patrick’s school logo
St. Patrick’s V-neck sweater, Crew neck sweater, or rugby shirt are permitted; older versions of the uniform (i.e. the St. Patrick's Intermediate hooded sweatshirt) are no longer part of the uniform
7/8 physical education uniform includes black gym shorts and a grey t-shirt and is mandatory for all grade 7 and 8 students.
solid black tights or leggings may be worn under uniform skirts or kilts; pants, jeans or sweatpants are not permitted under the kilt
students may wear a plain white T-shirt under a uniform shirt or blouse; wearing a hooded sweatshirt under a school long- or short-sleeved shirt is not permitted
girls may wear a plain white ladies’ camisole under a uniform shirt or blouse; (plain white implies no writing, no logos, no diagrams)
camisoles may not be worn with sweater cardigans unless under a TOP MARKS shirt or Blouse;
skirts and kilts must be worn at a respectable length and such that undergarments are not visible;
Pants and shorts are worn such that undergarments are not visible;
shirts, blouses, and sweater must be worn so shoulders and torsos are covered;
Hats and bandanas are not permitted;
the last Monday of each month (with the exception of June) may be designated a “Dress Up Day” to support a designated charity. Students are reminded to exercise good taste in the selection of their “dress up” apparel.
every Wednesday is designated St. Patrick’s Spirit Day. Students may wear their St. Patrick’s school team or club shirt, with proper uniform bottoms;
students must be in proper uniform for any off-site excursions or activities unless otherwise approved by Administration;
Clothing or accessories that are deemed to be gang related in the opinion of Ottawa Police are unacceptable and not allowed in the school;
any clothing or accessory that is deemed to be inappropriate in the opinion of the Administration is unacceptable and is not allowed in the school.
Wearing clothing with culturally insensitive messages or images is not in keeping with our Catholic value of promoting a safe, caring and inclusive school community. All students are encouraged to wear respectful clothing at all times when on school property or on a school related activity.